Who We Are

Pharmacy Technician Academy

Pass the PTCB exam on your first attempt with 1st Pass CPhT.
Enroll below.



What others say about us

Amazing guys. Up to date with knowledge, teaches well and generous with their ideas!

Trevor H.

Excellent learning tool, concise and clear videos, explained well highly recommend.

Jenna K.


Frequently asked questions

What can you offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

1st Pass CPhT is developed and taught by board certified clinical pharmacists and pharmacy managers. This expertise allowed us to develop a program that is much more advanced than other online pharmacy technician programs. Visit the course page to learn more.

Do I need previous pharmacy experience?

No, previous pharmacy experience is not necessary. 1st Pass CPhT starts with the basics and builds from there. Whether you are new to pharmacy, or an experience technician looking for a refresher before taking the certification test, 1st Pass CPhT is perfect for you.

How long is the program?

The 1st Pass CPhT Course is completely self-paced. The benefit of self-paced courses is that you can take as little, or as much, time to complete the program as you need to.
Students who are motivated, and have time to devote to studying, can finish the course in just a few weeks. Students with other time commitments or obligations may take 2-3 months.
Enrollment gives you 6 months to complete the course, which is more than sufficient.

When can I start studying?

Now. Your access to course material starts as soon as you enroll. You may enroll at anytime.
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Besides the cost of the course, are there any additional fees?

No. There are no other fees associated with the course.

When are classes held?

This is a fully self-paced course. There are no set classes or schedules. All materials are available on-demand, giving you the flexibility to study when and where you can.

Is an in-person externship required?

No, this is a fully online course. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) does not require an in-person component for certification.

Does this course make me eligible to take the PTCB certification exam?

Yes! 1st Pass is a PTCB-recognized course. Completion of this program will qualify you to sit for the PTCB certification exam. 

A few states require completion of a state-specific training program before granting you a pharmacy technician license. Visit the State Requirements Guide for help navigating your state's requirements.